Home Remedies for Toothache

Dental pain, also known as toothache, is a pain in and around the teeth and jaw. It can be caused by infection, loose or broken fillings, or receding gums. If pain persists for more than 1 or 2 days, it is best to see a dentist for treatment immediately. Until then, the following Home Remedies for Toothache are made with the following ingredients and can usually be used at home to relieve discomfort temporarily.

Most common causes of toothache

The tooth decay process is the primary cause of dental pain. If the patient is not treated, tooth decay can lead to a more extensive cavity. A cavity occurs when acids and bacteria penetrate the enamel and erode the delicate tissues within the tooth. This exposes the nerves and causes mild to severe pain. 

Sinus infections can also cause toothache in some people. This symptom occurs when the disease drains from the head. In addition, symptoms such as pain and stress caused by infection may be more painful at night. 

Other possible causes of toothache include: 

  • Missing a filling, 
  • Dental abscesses 
  • Trauma to the lower jaw 
  • Adult teeth coming out, 
  • Food stuck in the teeth or gums 
  • Tooth grinding at night
  • Gum disease.

Home Remedies for Toothache – Tips To getting Temporarily Relief

1. Put an ice pack outside your mouth.

Cold packs or ice packs can help relieve toothache, primarily if the toothache is caused by injury or swollen gums. For example, a person may try to place an ice pack against the outside of the cheek above the sore teeth for a few minutes.

 Cold compress constricts blood vessels, thereby moderating the blood circulation in the pain-affected area. This helps relieve the pain and reduce swelling and inflammation.

2. Rinse with Salt Water

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Gargling with warm salt water helps loosen tooth decay or debris between teeth. It can also reduce inflammation, promote healing, and relieve sore throats. Saltwater gargle can be done by dissolving one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle in the mouth for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. You can repeat this action as many times as you need.

3. Elevation

This technique can also work. However, the accumulation of blood in the head causes additional pain and inflammation. For some people, lifting their heads with one or two extra pillows can relieve the pain enough to make them fall asleep.

4. Painkillers for Instant relief

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the generally used pain killers and also act as an anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, these painkillers temporarily cure toothache. However, children below 16 years should not take aspirin.

Use a Hot Pack (Home Remedies for Toothache )

You can reduce discomfort by applying heat to the side of your jaw. If there is no hot compress, you can make a hot compress by stuffing rice in clean socks and tying one end.

 Next, place the socks filled with rice in the microwave for a few minutes. The heat in the box will help interrupt the pain signal from the mouth to the brain.

6. Rinse with Guava Mouthwash

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Guava tree leaves also have anti-inflammatory & antibacterial properties, relieving pain and disinfecting oral wounds. You can chew fresh guava leaves or boil the crushed leaves in water to make a mouthwash.

7. Use Garlic Paste

Garlic is used in various medicines due to its curing properties. In addition, it contains a compound called allicin, which has powerful antibacterial properties. First, fresh garlic cloves must be crushed, mixed with a bit of salt, and then the mixture is applied to the affected teeth.

8. Peppermint Tea

Like cloves, peppermint has anesthetic properties that can relieve toothache. In addition, menthol gives peppermint a minty taste and smell and has antibacterial effects. You can put a teaspoon of dried mint leaves in a cup of boiling water and soak for 20 minutes. After cooling down:

Rinse your mouth.

  • Spit out or swallow.
  • Use a warm and humid tea bag against your teeth for a few minutes until the pain disappears.

You can also place a small round piece of cotton on the affected tooth as a temporary remedy.

9. Use Thyme for Home Remedies for Toothache

Thyme is famous for its medicinal use and is an effective medicine for treating chest infections such as bronchitis or whooping cough. Thymol is the main component of essential oils, and it possesses antiseptic and antifungal properties. 

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You can make a mouthwash by mixing a drop of oregano oil with a cup of water. Alternatively, add a few drops of thyme essential oil and water to a cotton swab. After pouring water, press on the sore tooth.

10. Aloe Vera is also beneficial.

Aloe vera gel is found on juicy leaves and has long been used to treat burns and minor wounds. Currently, some people use gels to clean and soothe their gums. Studies have manifest that aloe vera has natural antibacterial properties that can kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay. The gel should be viable to the affected oral area and massaged gently.

11. Cloves

Clove is a spice native to the Maluku Islands, Indonesia. They contain eugenol (eugenol), which is a natural anesthetic. Clove also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. In addition, it is a reliable source and can help fight tooth and gum infections.

 A person can dip a small cotton ball in oil; apply cloves. It goes to the area affected by the toothache. You can also use dried whole cloves. Gently chew the entire tooth to release its oil, and fix it on the affected tooth for up to 30 minutes.

12. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Gargle with hydrogen peroxide solution is an effective antibacterial mouthwash, mainly if an infection causes toothache. Mix with water and shake in your mouth for about 30 seconds. After vomiting, rinse your mouth several times under running water. Do not swallow hydrogen peroxide rinsing solution, and it is not recommended for children to use this therapy.

Suffering from dental pain is a harrowing experience. Although all these home remedies can provide temporary relief and help a person sleep well, these are not the permanent solution. Anyone who has experienced toothache for more than 1 or 2 days without sinus infection symptoms should consult a dentist for a complete diagnosis and treatment. They may need to clean the cavities or consider more severe options, such as root canal treatment or tooth extraction.

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